Sunday, March 7, 2010

Rabbit Care Tips

This is a fact about rabbits, even more than with cats and dogs. People have a tendency to buy them on a impulse.Because they are so cute or because the kids wanted him, anyway you take him home wondering:how to take care of my rabbit?Does it sounds familiar?

It is important to do some research on pet rabbits before adopting one to make sure it is the right pet for you. There are 5 essential things they need to be healthy and happy.

Rabbits need a place of their own
First of all a pet rabbit need a cage to be his house. Get the biggest size that you can. A 2x3 feet cage is good for a medium size rabbit.Get the one with the plastic bottom, the wire bottom will damage the rabbit's delicate paws.Get a plastic pan a little bigger than the rabbit and put it in one corner of the cage to be his litter box.

Rabbits need a good diet
Young rabbits should be raised on alfalfa pellets and alfalfa hay at will.Start to give him veggies at the age of 2 months.Rabbits love fresh grass from the yard, dandelions leaves, spinach, celery, carrots leaves, anything dark green.Give him at least 3 different greens everyday to insure a balanced diet.Fruits should be given as treats, a small portion every other day.After the age of 6 months old switch him to Timothy Hay and pellets and reduce to a quater of a cup the amount of pellets per day.

Rabbits need to exercise
A lot of people think a rabbit can live in a cage like a hamster but it is not the case. They need exercise and freedom. You can give them freedom by rabbit-proofing your house.Rabbits can live like house cats and can be easily litter trained.Just pen your rabbit off in the room where is cage is at night or when you are gone using a baby gate.

Rabbits need to be spayed or neutered
Ultered rabbits live a lot longer and have a much happier life.For the females, it eleminate the risk of uterine cancer,witch they are prone to when they dont have babies. A fixed rabbit also have a much desirable behavior as a pet,stops marking his territory and become a lot easier to be litter trained.

Rabbits need your love and attention
Rabbits are highly intelligent and very social animals.They love to be around other rabbits, humans and even get along with other pets such as cats.You need to spend time everyday on the floor with your rabbit and play with him. Give him toys he can chew on such as cardboard tubes, old phone books or boxes.
Source: Free Articles from


I hope you found this little bit of information helpful on how to take care of my rabbit.
Do you know what are the best toys for your rabbit? Feel free to visit my blog at for a lot more tips and great videos and enjoy learning about your pet rabbit!

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